Chi Ling Pai® Schools
The Following people I know are legitimate Masters and Teachers who have studied under Master Decker and his students and understand his art.
Important - Many of these people are private about there martial arts and may not want to be contacted. You may find it impossible to contact many of these people and due to our respect for their privacy, we may not be able to help. Please feel free to email us if you want further information about any of these instructors. Finding a true Chi Ling Pai school may not be easy, however there are a few people who accept students regularly.
In Alphabetical Order by Last Name
Sifu Jason Bartley..... Jason studied with Master Scott Felsen in Jacksonville, Florida and in Miami
Florida. He is a union actor in the Los Angeles area and has used his Kung Fu in his acting. He has been in numerous TV shows and Movies. He has appeared in Burn Notice and The Ultimate Warrior. He was Jamie Foxx's training partner in the Miami Vice movie directed by Michael Mann and has appeared in productions for Super Bowl 36, 37, 38 and 39, as well as a few national commercial spots. Jason is also a 4 time SEC Championship winner with the Florida Gators where he played for legendary coach Steve Spurrier. He currently teaches privet lessons in L.A. in the traditional Chi Ling Pai Gung Fu way.
Master Dale Biles......One of the most loyal students and friends of Master Decker. Until the day he died, Master Dale Biles supported Sifu with his friendship and financially helped him as well. Because of his loyalty and caring, as well as his knowledge of Chi Lin Kempo, Master Decker considered him his top student in Chi Lin Kempo and a great friend. Master Dale Biles continues to teach Chi Lin Kempo and to support his other teacher Master Bobby Burger in New Jersey.
Sifu John Bovit.......He studied with Master Decker in the 1980's in Red Bank New Jersey. His love was Master Decker's stick fighting which he learned from Remy Preses and Angel Cabalas as well as Hanshi Bruce Juchnik. He then turned this stick fighting into "Kung Fu with a Stick" as he liked to call it. John lives in North Carolina and trains privately.
Master Sam Boyd.....Studied with Master Decker in Morgantown, West, VA. He also studied Shotokan Karate of which he is also a high ranking master. Master Decker often spoke of Sam Boyd as one of his finest students and friends. He respected his martial arts and teaching abilities very much.
Master Charles Brown.......He was greatly respected and loved by Master Decker who spoke about him years ago, when we first started training. Master Charles Brown is an awesome practitioner of Zang Woo Chi Lin. This is what he calls the art Master Decker taught him in the 1970's and early 1980's. He has studied the martial arts for decades and his understanding of fighting and the concepts of the martial arts are phenomenal. He has a heart of gold and is recognized by his colleagues as one of the true seniors in the martial arts.
Master Robert Burger......A great student of Master Decker's in the 1970's and 1980's He is also a Master in Shotokan Karate. He has a martial arts career spanning decades. He spent years with Master Decker helping and supporting his art Chi Lin Kempo. He was a body guard for Bon Jovi and a few other national musical acts, as well as the Chief of Police in Island Heights, New Jersey. He is retired and no longer teaches publicly, however he is greatly respected and loved by his students.
Sifu Marshell Burgess Marshall is a long time student of Master Ron Wilkerson in West Virginia. He has studied the arts for decades and has traveled around the country learning and teaching Chi Lin Chuan Fa to students. He is an excellent instructor and a lifelong martial artist. He is also a knife maker and an exceptional artist.
Master Cary Callahan.....A student of Master Mike Snyder's and Jim Goode, he has a natural talent and ability to fight and his martial arts are second to none. He is a great teacher and a lifelong student of the arts. It is truly a pleasure to watch him perform forms and his understanding of movement is at a very high level. A true gentleman, his martial arts ability is awesome. He also is an instructor in the Korean Martial Arts and the internal Chinese arts. He is not afraid to study anything that works. He currently has a successful school in Northern Virginia called Twin Dragon Martial Arts.
Simu Tammy Callahan studies the martial arts with her husband Cary and she has trained with many in the Chi Lin Family of instructors. Tammy has a huge heart and is a lifelong student of the arts. She helps run the school she owns in Northern Virginia called Twin Dragon Martial Arts. She is an excellent instructor.
Sifu Renu Chacaburti - Renu has a wonderful heart and is a student of Master Ron Wilkerson in West Virginia. Renu has been studying for decades and teaches in the Charleston, WV area. She has also trained with some of the other Chi Lin Chuan Fa teachers and has traveled the country learning form some of the best martial artists around.
Master Jim Charley studied Chi Lin Chuan Fa for years and teaches with Master Ron Wilkerson. He is a highly respected master of fighting and practices a few different martial arts systems. He has dedicated his time and energy to his true love, the martial arts. Jim is an exceptional artist and has many drawings and illustrations of various
martial arts techniques from his years of study.
Sifu Martin Dupuis..... Sifu Martin Dupuis teaches martial arts in Quebec City, Canada, He is a direct student of Scott Felsen and Jon Ludwig. He also studies with Hanshi Bruce Juchnik in Kosho Shorei Kempo and travels around the north east training with many instructors and sharing his knowledge with students.
Master Carl Eggerson..... Carl has studied the Chinese Martial Arts for over 2 decades and has a great love for the arts. He has traveled around the country learning and teaching his art as well as becoming a great teacher in Chi Ling Pai Gung Fu. Carl is also a 3rd Degree Black Belt in Judo and he teaches the art of Kung Ju in Chicago .
Master Scott Felsen...... Studied with Master Decker from 1978 until his death in 1997. He learned Chi Ling Pai Gung Fu from him in New Jersey and in Florida. Scott teaches privately in the Atlanta area where he lives. He also teaches at seminars to students from around the country. Scott is the inheritor of Master Decker's Chi Ling Pai Gung Fu. He, along with everyone else on this list, works to keep Master Decker's art alive and in the minds of students. Scott is also a student of Master Bill Hogan in meditation and concentration and is very lucky to be accepted as one of his students.
Sifu John Galioto.....A student of Master Scott Felsen and Master Bill Hogan in the 1990's. Sifu John Galioto currently trains with Master Paul Ziegler in New Jersey. As a student of Scott Felsen , John impressed Master Decker by drawing his movement out on paper that remarkably resembled the octagon in Ed Parkers books. He did this with only five months of experience in the arts. Master Decker quizzed him on the drawing and John convinced him by his explanation of the drawing that he really understood what he had drawn. Master decker turned to me and said "congratulations you have created a master in 5 months". Of course John couldn't do what he explained but he did understand the concepts behind circular movement.
Sifu John Greenwood - John and his wife Jenny have studied at the highest levels of Chi Ling Pai Gung Fu with Master Scott Felsen and Master Derek Smart in the Atlanta area. John is an excellent martial artists and has traveled around the country learning and sharing with many different martial artists. John is a senor student of Chi Ling Pai Gung Fu and is a loyal and dedicated martial artist.
Sifu John Griffiths A dedicated student of Charles Brown and many of the other Chi Lin Chuan Fa teachers, John now teaches at his school in Montana. He learned the arts while in West Virginia and then he would travel getting together with teachers from around the country.
Master Jim Goode......An excellent instructor and master of the martial arts, Master Jim Goode loves Chi Lin and is also a very high ranking Shotokan Master. He has decades of experience in the martial arts. He studied with Master Decker in West Virginia and continues to teach his students in the Virginia area. He cares a great deal for Master Decker's art and teachings and it shows in his movement and ability. Master Jim Goode is a true store house of martial arts knowledge.
Advisor Wayne Gordon....Wayne met Grandmaster Decker in NJ in the early to mid 1990's where he trained with him in Chi Lin Kempo. They became good friends as well, and Denis Decker spoke with him almost every day the last few years of his life. Denis considered Wayne an advisor to the family and asked Wayne to help keep his art alive after he died. Wayne was instrumental in bringing Master Scott Felsen out from retirement to start teaching after Denis's death in 1997. During the last few years of Denis's life, Wayne was one of the few people to help and stay in contact with Master Decker as he ailed and finally passed away from heart problems. Wayne is a hero from the US Army in the Veitnam War, where he served as a combat medic along the DMZ. As a helicopter Pilot and Medic with DMZ Dustoff he worked in combat to save american lives under fire. Wayne also worked as a supervisor at ground zero in NYC and we consider him is a true Americn Hero and a treasure of Chi ling Pai Gung Fu.
Sifu Boris Gragaris........Trained under Master Scott Felsen and Master Bill Hogan. He was promoted to Instructor level in 1997 with Master Decker's blessing. He immigrated to the USA from Russia and was one of the first Russian Marines in the Marine Corps. He trained hard in Chi Ling Pai Gung Fu. He currently resides in New Jersey
Sifu Justin Grant.....A instructor of Chi Ling Pai Gung Fu in the Atlanta area. Justin studies with Master Scott Felsen and has traveled around the country with Scott teaching and learning Chi Ling Pai Gung Fu . Justin is a dedicated athlete and gymnist. He teaches Gymnastics in the Atlanta area full time while working towards increasing his understanding of Chi Gung and Chi Ling Pai.
Sifu Frank Grapico........He studied with Master Decker in the 1980's and early 1990's. He also studied with Master Scott Felsen and was promoted to Sifu level by him with Master Decker's blessing, in the early 1990's. Sifu Frank Grapico has a heart of gold and loves to train in the martial arts. He studied Okinawan Go Ju Karate for years with Sensei Harry Rosenstien a student of martial art legend Peter Urban. Sifu Frank also studied Doce Pares Arnis with Grandmaster "Dong" Cuesta in Jersey City. He teaches privately in Mount Holly, NJ on a limited basis.
Sifu Daniel Honaker....... Sifu Honaker attained formal rank in the following arts: · Black Belt in Kokuto Gakai Bujitsu under Ted Spears in 1986 · Red Belt in the Korean art of Tae Kwon Do in 1993 under Richard Kang · Black Sash in Chi Lin Chuan Fa under Masters Charlie Brown, Ron Wilkerson, and Jim Charlie in 1993 · Black Sash in Tavon Gung Fu under Master Ali Afshari in 1998 (Tavon is a system that combines the concepts and principals of Persian and Chinese martial arts to produce an art that infuses internal generation of power with hard external techniques.) Sifu Honaker is still
currently practicing and teaching within the Chi Lin Chuan Fa system at the Magic Fist Martial Arts Association in Huntington, West Virginia.
Master Bill Hogan......Studied with Master Scott Felsen and Master Decker for years in New Jersey. Master Bill Hogan has grown incredibly in knowledge and understanding of Chi Ling Pai Gung Fu and the internal arts. Master Scott Felsen, his old teacher, is now studying under him as his student! His knowledge and understanding of the martial arts is truly of the highest level. He is a master of internal gung fu and of Chi Ling Pai. He is very rare indeed. It is the greatest honor to learn from him. He is truly a treasure of the martial arts and the Chi Ling Pai Family.
Master Bruce Juchnik.....Studied with Master Decker in Chicago and in California during the 1980's. Master Bruce Juchnik loves Chi Ling Pai Gung Fu and the concepts and techniques of the art. He is the 22nd generation inheritor (Hanshi) of Kosho Shorie Kempo, the art brought to this country by James Mitose. He tirelessly promotes seminars and events throughout the world and currently has over 10,000 students. His goal is to keep the traditional martial arts alive and to unite all the great masters of the arts together in a spirit of friendship and respect. He has a heart of gold and an understanding of the martial arts that few have. Even more importantly, he has the ability to teach others in a simple friendly way that has endeared Hanshi to many of us in the martial arts community. He is a deadly stick fighter and a world class teacher and instructor.
Master Pat Kelly......Studied Chi Lin Kempo with his teacher Master Bruce Juchnik in California. Master Pat Kelly is an awesome example of a great martial artist. His respect and love for his teacher are a testament to his understanding of movement and fighting. He teaches currently in California and has a lifelong love of the martial arts. He studies many different fighting systems and is a great bene fit to everyone who studies with him.
Sifu Orhan Kermitchi....."OK" (pronounced"uuuk" ), as Master Decker used to call him, was one of Master Decker's favorite students during the mid 1980's. This was because he trained hard and moved with skill and precision. He had a great ability to fight and his forms were flawless.
Master Dave Kovak has studied the martial arts for decades. He trained with Master Decker in New Jersey in the 1980's and has also trained in Kosho Shorie Kempo with Hanshi Bruce Juchnik. He has studied various other arts including Preying Mantis Kung Fu and is a dedicated student of the arts. Dave has a huge heart and is a great guitar
player with his band in the central Florida area. Dave is a veteran of the air force and served with distinction overseas in Iraq as a law enforcement of ficer.
Master Wes Lammay......... “I Like to encourage all enthusiastic Chi Lin practitioners to work toward two common goals: First, communication with each other. Even if that communication consisted only of reasoned, civil disagreement, the discourse will improve and enrich us all. Second, acceptance. Chi Lin is a very diverse and complete martial arts system in all its forms; we can continue to grow and improve through our association.” Sifu Wesley Lammay is a student of Mike Snyder, Nina Spadaro and Charles Brown.
Sifu Daniel Lammay Studied for years with his father, Wes and Charles Brown in the Virginia Beach area.. Dan is an excellent martial artists and a great teacher. He works in law enforcement in the Virginia Beach area and is sought out for his skill in self defense.
Sifu Jon Ludwig – is truly an amazing martial artist. He has studied many arts from the Filipino stick and knife fighting arts to JuJitsu and Hapkido. He is a top student of Hanshi Bruce Juchnik in Kosho Ryu Kempo and a top student of Master Scott Felsen in Chi Ling Pai Gung Fu. Jon has a wonderful heart and is loyal and dedicated. Truly a world class martial arts instructor and student. The only thing greater then his skill and ability in the arts is his giant smile. He teaches Kosho Ryu Kempo and Chi Ling Pai Gung Fu in Downers Grove, Illinois at his school, Old School Martial Arts.
Master Vic Marini.......Studied with Master Decker in New Jersey during the 1970's and 1980's. Master Marini taught students along the Jersey Shore where he assisted Master Decker many times , helping him teach and promote his art of Chi Lin Kempo. He studied many different combat systems as well as Chi Lin Kempo and ran a few successful schools in the New Jersey Shore area. He no longer teaches publicly.
Sifu Alan Maye.....A student of Chi Ling Pai Gung Fu under Master Bruce Juchnik in Orangvale, CA he was promoted to sifu level in 2002 before leaving for the Air Force. He currently teaches, on a limited basis. He loves the Chinese Martial Arts and came to as many seminars as he could with Master Scott Felsen to supplement his training.
Sensei Eddie Maciejczyk...... Student of Master Gerry Otto in PA from the late 1970’s and 1980’s where he trained with and learned from Master Decker. He was Gerry Otto’s first black belt in Okinawa Shorin Ryu at the Shen Dragon School. Currently, he teaches Kempo and self defense at American Dragon Karate Street Defense system in Sarasota Florida. He teaches weapons, Kata and street self defense to government agencies and
He runs a privet detective agency, Personal Protection Services.
Sifu Donna Pastor.......A student of Master Decker in the late 1980's, she was also a good friend to Master Decker. Master Decker promoted her to Sifu level before he left New Jersey for Florida. She is a private person and if she teaches at all its a very limited group, but she loves Master Decker and his art of Chi Ling Pai Gung Fu.
Master Dan Pauley....... Studied with Master Decker in the 1970's and 1980's in Pittsburgh and in the Chicago area. He used his art for years in Law Enforcement both in Illinois and in Colorado. Master Pauley was one of Sifu's most talented students. He is a natural fighter and an expert with the knife. He mastered Chi Ling Pai and, although he no longer teaches the art openly, it must influence every move he makes in the Arts. Truly, Dan was highly respected by Master Decker as a great martial arts master and teacher. Dan is also a highly accomplished firearms instructor.
Dia Si Hing ....... This is a very special rank in any martial art. It designates master Decker's fist student in Chi Lin kempo or what it used to be known as, Chi Lung Tao. This individual was also the first person promoted to the level of Instructor and then promoted to Master level by Denis Decker and Daniel K. Pai. He is a very private man who Master Decker spoke of often in the early days of my training with him. He will only consider responding to those with the recommendation - introduction of a senior Chi Ling Pai instructor or a senior Pai Lum instructor. ----- There can only be one.
Master Roland Roemer....... is a great Instructor of Japanese and Filipino martial arts in Colorado. During the 1980's he met and studied Chi Lin Kempo and Chi Ling Pai Gung Fu with Master Decker in the Chicago area. He supported Master Decker and the art of Chi Ling Pai. He is a true gentleman and an excellent teacher. Although he no longer teaches Chi Ling Pai openly, I am sure that the benefits learned from Sifu come through in his fighting and movement . He has decades of martial art experience and has studied with world class instructors including Modern Arnis founder Remy Presas and Hanshi Bruce Juchnik just to name a few.
Master Matt Russo....... Matt has been studying the Chinese martial arts for decades, since he was kid in school in New Jersey. He has been a student of Chi Ling Pai Gung Fu with Scott Felsen, Denis Decker. During the 1980's he was an advanced student of Sifu Andy Schirmacher in Tan Tui and Tai Chi.
Mat has been teaching since the early 1990's and is an excellent Instructor. He currently practices the Chinese martial arts in New Jersey and continues to study the internal arts to this day. He is a 4th Level Sifu, a Master level rank, in Chi Ling Pai Gung Fu .
Master Sal Russo - Sal teaches Chi Lin Kempo in northern New Jersey and is a top student of Master Dale Biles. He has also studied with Master Bob Burger. Sal has led the school in New Jersey for the last few years sharing his rich legacy and talent in the martial arts with his students. Sal is an excellent practitioner of the arts and a great example of an excellent student. Master Biles can be proud to have such a dedicated and loyal student in the arts.
Sifu Brad Sayer - Brad studied with Master Decker in the New Symrna Beach and Edgewater area of central Florida in the early 1990's. To this day his Kung Fu is in his movement and he knows how to fight. He is a master guitar player and an excellent songwriter which has always been his passion, but somewhere along the way he trained with Master Decker and a lot of that skill and talent found its way into Brad's self defense.
Sifu David Senecal..... Sifu David Senecal is a direct student of Scott Felsen in Quebec City, Canada. He also studies with Master Jon Ludwig in Chicago and Hanshi Bruce Juchnik in Kosho Shorei Kempo. David is an instructor in Kosho Shorei Kempo. He has been involved in the martial arts for over 20 years and shares his knowledge with students in his hometown. David studied Nick Cerio’s Kenpo in 1997 and is now a 5th degree black belt in the art.
Sifu Patrick Shannon - Patrick studied with Master Scott Felsen in the Atlanta area. He studied Chi Ling Pai Gung Fu at a high level. Patrick has traveled around the country learning and studying from some of the best in the world.
Sifu Joe Sheehan - Sifu Joe Sheehan "Hollywood Joe" as Master Decker used to call him, was an instructor in the 1980's in New Jersey. He was an actor in a few commercials and his hair never seemed out of place, which is where he got the name "Hollywood" from. He was a full contact kick boxing champion in the 1970's when he first met and trained with Master Decker. He has retired from training officially, but I am sure he still terrorizes the Jersey Shore from time to time.
Master Derek Smart - Derek studied with Master Scott Felsen in the Atlanta area for almost two decades. He also trains in Wu Style Tai Chi with Zhang Yun and he trains in the internal martial arts. He has traveled the country teaching and learning from instructors in many different styles. Derek teaches a small class in the Atlanta area and he travels the country teaching and learning from great instructors. Derek is a student of Master Bill Hogan in meditation and concentration.
Master Mike Snyder........ He is a private man whose understanding of Chi Lin Chuan Fa is complete. Another treasure of Chi Lin Chuan Fa Family, he loves the Chinese Martial Arts and has devoted most of his life to training in the Internal Martial Arts under some of the greatest teachers in our country. He not only mastered Chi Lin Chuan Fa with Master Decker but trained with instructor Zhang Lu Ping in Tai Chi, Hsing I and Ba Gua. He also trained for years with Zhang Yun in Tai Chi and the internal martial arts. One of the most important achievements in the martial arts is to have "beginners mind". To always look on everything from the perspective of a beginner as opposed to having a large ego and arrogant view of things. Mike Snyder has achieved this and because of this his understanding and knowledge would fill volumes.
Master Nina Spadaro..... She studied with Master Decker in Morgantown West Virginia and is another person whom Sifu spoke to us about years ago when we first trained with him. Dennis felt lucky to have her as a student. She has a life long love of the Chinese Martial Arts. She has rare knowledge and understanding of the arts and has devoted her life to practicing and studying the ancient ways of health and self defense.
Sifu Garret Trainum Studies with Wes Lammy and Charles Brown in their art of Zang Woo Chi Lin. He is located in the Virginia Beach area and he continues to train in these and other martial arts.
Sifu Wes Tasker is an avid student of many martial arts systems. He was a student of Bruce Juchnik Hanshi in Kosho Shorei-ryu Kempo, Qi Lin Pai Quan Fa, and several Filipino Martial Arts. Through his association with Annesi Kyoshi and Juchnik Hanshi, Wes became a student of Tuhon Roberto Torres for several years and eventually became a senior student of Bapak Willem de Thouars, studying several forms of Pentjak Silat and Kuntao. Wes studied Pekiti Tirsia Kali with Tuhon William McGrath for 10 years while also becoming a Licensed Massage Therapist in 2003. Since 2005, he has been studying Zheng Gu Tui Na under Tom Bisio and Frank Butler and is currently a student of Tom Bisio in Xing Yi Quan and Ba Gua Zhang. Wes is also continuing his study of Qi Lin Pai as a direct student of Sifu Scott Felsen
Master Noah West........ Master Decker spoke of Noah and his skill many, many times. He told me of his intensity and said that he was one of the few people to take his art and improve it. Although, I don't believe he teaches any longer, he is truly a treasure of Chi Lin Chuan Fa knowledge and understanding. His friends and students in West Virginia acknowledge his amazing skill and understanding of the art. A great leader in the martial arts, Master Decker thought very highly about this man. I cannot say that enough. If you
are lucky enough to see him move, you will see MasterDecker in his movements.
Master Ron Wilkerson Studied for years with Master Decker in West Virginia. He
teaches the Chi Lin Chuan Fa he mastered along with other martial arts. Ron has traveled the country teaching Gung Fu and is loved by his students. He has a lifelong love of learning the arts and it shows in his skill and understanding of movement. He is a treasure of knowledge in Chi Lin Chaun Fa. He continues to keep Chi Lin Chuan Fa alive through his students.
Master David Wolfe........He studied with Master Decker in Morgantown West Virginia for years and loved the art of Chi LinChuan Fa. He is also a very high ranking Judo Practitioner and has a lifelong love of the Martial Arts. He teaches in West Virginia. During the last few years of Master Decker's life he assisted Sifu with his friendship and financially helped him as well. Master Decker respected and cared about Master David Wolfe and he was always very grateful to have him as one of his students and friends.
Sifu Joe Uddo......Studied under Master Decker for years in the 1980's. He latter studied in ChinaTown NYC both meditation at the Temple of the Golden Buddha and Lama Pai Gung Fu. He studied the internal martial arts with Sifu Kee Bee Sia in New York.
Sifu Steve Villanueva..... Sifu Steve studied as a direct student of Scott Felsen and Master Decker in 1992 and continues to study the art today. He trained with Sifu Paul Ziegler for many years in New Jersey. He also studied with Sifu Wayne Gordon. Steve is a great student and teacher in the martial arts. He has traveled throughout the country learning and teaching self defense.
Master Paul Ziegler.......A Sifu in Chi Ling Pai back in 1980, Master Paul Ziegler is a great martial arts master who teaches Chi Ling Pai Gung Fu in Jackson, New Jersey. He is a teacher of Master Scott Felsen. He taught Scott the basics for Master Decker when he first started. Master Paul Ziegler now teaches Sifu John Galioto and others in New Jersey where they work to keep the art alive. He loves the martial arts and Chi Ling Pai Gung Fu. When you see him move you can see Master Decker moving. He is a great martial arts instructor.